成立6年的 "未来食品"初創公司上市 / 15 November 2022

BASE FOOD Inc., a Japan-based food technology company

The stock was listed on November 15, 2022, six years after its establishment, and is currently listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.basebread

The company was founded by Mr. Shun Hashimoto, a former IT worker with no background in bread baking and food-related industries. When he did not have time for a healthy diet due to his busy work, the new concept of staple foods containing all the necessary nutrients came to his mind. In order to realize his idea, he started making noodles at home, combining dozens of natural ingredients to achieve the perfect balance of nutrients.


After the listing, the company will invest more in research and development to produce better products and expand its business to overseas markets to achieve its mission of "innovating staple foods to enable all people to enjoy a healthy and sustainable lifestyle."

The product has the potential to address hunger and satiety at the same time, especially when it comes to lifestyle-related diseases.